How much office space do I need?
When it comes to office space, the simple fact is that lots of businesses calculate how much they need incorrectly. This can then have a major impact on company finances as you will be paying higher costs for more space than you use. Of course, you may also hire office space which is too small and therefore not fit for purpose. The good news is that this can be avoided by taking some time to work out exactly how much space you might need in advance.
How much space should you go for per employee?
While working out how much space your need in an office is more of an art than a science, there are handy ways to do it. For most companies, the best and simplest is to work out how much space you require per employee.A commonly accepted figure in major cities such as London is 100 square foot per staff member. If this proves too costly for you, then you could think about reducing this to 70 or 80 square foot per person. This will also need you to use the space more efficiently though, so everyone fits in comfortably.
What should you set aside for other key amenities?
It is also worth drilling down into what you might need for other specific areas in your office. This will ensure you can include them in your calculations and have the space needed to house them. A smaller meeting room for example might need an extra 100 square feet while a larger one might need 150 square feet.Training spaces are vital for staff development and ensuring your employees stay up to date with the latest guidelines. This type of facility can easily need 300 square feet and must be included in any calculations. If you plan to have individual offices for managers as well, make sure to include enough space for these (1 office may need 100 square feet).
What else should you consider?
It is not just the amount of space you should think about – there are other factors to take into consideration as well. The shape of any office is key for example as is the overall design. There is no point renting a large open-plan space if you will not be working in this way. You should also think about how your needs as a business may change in terms of space over time. If you think you may grow and hire more staff soon, then this should be factored into your calculations.
Work out how much office space you need first
It really is key to take your time and ensure you end up with a suitable amount of office space for your team. Of course, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic should also come into your thinking at the moment. With more people home working now, you might find you need less space than before.